Wednesday, November 30, 2011

skattered musings #1

Back during my first attempt at the college gig I lived in a dorm.  This was pre-Facebook.  So I had one of those small white boards on my door for people to leave me notes.  Or for me to post things for those who would sometimes stop by.  Sometimes I would write down random quotes, or random questions that my sleep deprived mind would be pondering.  Always with plenty of space for comment.  And there would always be a couple of good comments.  So for if this blog ever has enough traffic to get a healthy comment section going, here are some random musings to comment on.  In no order or anything.

Why does the coffee at a good diner, or greasy spoon taste better than anywhere else?  Is it the well worn porcelain mugs, stained with the 1,000 well enjoyed cups before?  Maybe its that the coffee is being paired with good food, and the memories or expectations of good food.  But even when I just sit there at 4am, the coffee was best in that well worn mug.  Is there some secret ingredient that kept silent with a knowing nod amongst short order cooks?  Is it the random pieces of Americana on the walls?  Does the Muzak in the background set the correct mood to enjoy coffee?  Why does making the same coffee at home just feel like a pale imitation.  And why does after feeling like I can do anything while drinking a pot of that coffee in the diner, walking through my door at home I suddenly need to nap?  Does the caffeine in the coffee die quicker than normal?  And why is it always 4am when I'm in these diners?

Why does it take so long to teach Pandora the difference between the awful music I dont like, and the garbage 90's heroin rock I do love?  And what does that say about me?  Should I be worried that now 90's rock bands are reuniting that they will ruin their music?  Also, side note, why is the song I haven't heard in 5+ years always the last one Pandora plays before I leave?  And why does it always get stuck in my head?  Also, where did all the good rock radio stations go?  

Why did hipsters have to ruin bowling shirts?  And how long until they are no longer ironic so they stop wearing them?  And can someone explain to me how doing something you know is stupid is ironic, and or not a stupid thing to do?  How mean spirited is it to tell them that gravity is too mainstream, and hand them a copy of Hitchhikers Guide so they can learn to fly?

Should I worry that I've become so boring that going insane sounds like it my be entertaining?  Am I already there?  Have over corrected from the boring and mundane to the point of coming off as random, odd, and not to be let around other people?  Where did all that 'can do' spirit of my youth go?  Can I get it back with out some stupid nutritional pills from GNC?   Did I even have 'can do' spirit, or was that just false memories from TV and self delusion?

Joke writing exercise: (note this is normally done on a bar napkin, so that's my totally valid excuse for these being terrible)

Premise: "Crazy girls are like a roller coaster..."

#1) Crazy girls are like a roller coaster, there's ups and downs.  The loopy-loops are fun until the cops get involved.
#2) Crazy girls are like a roller coaster, the older they get, the scarier they are to ride
#3) Crazy girls are like a roller coaster, have to be ok with being scared to enjoy the ride
#4) Crazy girls are like a roller coaster, the Disney ones aren't as much fun as the Halloween ones.
#5) Crazy girls are like a roller coaster, when in doubt throw your hands up and yell "Wheee!"

Yeah I think that's about all I got this time round.

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