Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mic Check 1..2.. Mic Check...

Since everyone and their dog has a blog these days, I decided it is time for me to join the masses online.  I have no long term plan of an update schedule or even what this blog will become.  This will most likely become, like my failed attempts at standup, a form of self therapy.  That being the case if I was a betting man, I would bet that this blog will end up consisting of thoughts of a boring life, political, philosophical, and ethical views that make me unpopular with just about anyone who spends 5 minutes talking to me about them.  (btw, thank the electronic gods for spell check on that last sentence.)  I will probably also end up bitching about people, places and things at random.  But hey, so it goes.

My short term goal is to get back into the flow of actually writing something on a regular basis.  I have too many books of notes for stories, skits, jokes, novels, and what not laying around.  It's time to do something with them.  And it's high time to turn my mind back on after a several year hiatus. 

What you should know about me?  Well if you were sent this way by the internet gnomes, then you might need to know alittle about me to make sense of this gibberish.  So it here it goes.  I am almost 30.  My name isn't on this because while I don't run from anything I post here, job market is harsh enough without a Google search bringing up something unpleasant.  I am a child of the 80's who came of age in the 90's and find myself old and out of date in the 2010's.  I have had several jobs, but never a career.  Yes I did in fact graduate from college.  Yes it was a Bachelors of Science, in Political Science.  A BS in BSing if you like.  I dont.  Also minored in Philosophy. 

The humor you may find in this blog will be random, off beat, and inside jokes of the worst kind.  I apologize now.  But most of the time the references should be saner that an emu on acid.  (that is not a Family Guy reference, that is a Douglas Adams reference.  If you dont believe me, look it up.)  Also, fair warning.  My writing style will change randomly and with no good reason.  Part of it has to do with how much I've slept, how caffeinated I am, and how often I have edited the post.

Thats enough rambling for now.  Time to post.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'd run away bravely now if I was you.

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