Thursday, December 8, 2011

About Sleepless Nights

Lately I been having trouble sleeping.  This is not a new problem for me.  I have been fighting this for a long time now.  Since high school I have had bouts of 2 or 3 days without sleep.   This is a fight that I can win.  But it takes time, and in the meantime my life kinda goes to shit.  Humans are built for rest and repair.  We are designed to have daily rituals.  Goto bed at a certain time, wake up for work the same time.  Things break down when this cycle stops.

In high school this lead to crankiness, depression, short term memory loss, and obsessive behaviors.  The longer I would go without a full sleep cycle the worse it would get.  Headaches would turn into migraines.  Crankiness would turn into cruelty.  Sanity would become sprained.

This reached its climax sophomore year of college.  I would often have 2,3 or even 4 days stints with less than 4 hours of sleep for the day.  My roommate still tells the story of my debate with my refrigerator.  I don't remember this.  And no, mind altering drugs were not involved.  Just so little connection left to reality.

I have mentioned before I am a tinkerer, and when you can't sleep that is very dangerous.  I would start many small projects, finish none of them, and clean up the mess from none.  Every new project would give me a 2nd wind, and keep me going for another couple of hours.  So of course that meant even lower chances of sleep that night.  Once the sun came up, then I wouldn't be able to sleep.

This blog was started due to that sleeplessness.  There are things that work, and I do them.  I don't have long bouts, and I don't have many bouts anymore.  The only hurting me these days is the late shift I work.  But I am getting back into a routine, and I really only wrote this to write.  Thanks for stopping by.

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